Halo Mega Bloks Blue Series Falcon Not Sold in the United States

We’ve had naught but good news on the Halo Mega Bloks front lately, with all of the winter 2013 Mega Bloks Halo sets now in stores and the first announcements and photos slipping out of the Halo Mega Bloks 2014 wave of sets. So we were probably due for the other shoe to drop, and that bad news has now arrived. Fans in North America who have been waiting for the Halo Mega Bloks Blue Series Falcon 97204 to arrive in stores can cease waiting–the Blue Series UNSC Falcon set is not going to be released in the United States and Canada at all…

Halo Mega Bloks Blue Series Falcon Box

During the summer, MEGA Brands surprised collectors when a listing for a previously unannounced Halo Mega Bloks Blue Series Falcon set showed up on the official Mega Bloks website. Though all of the other Mega Bloks Halo Blue Series sets were Target exclusives in the United States, the Blue Series Falcon Halo Mega Bloks set was suspiciously not listed as being such.

Halo Mega Bloks Blue Series Falcon 97204 Now we know why. When asked about the M.I.A. Blue Series Falcon on the Bloks Forum, MEGA Brands representative Tim confirmed this week that the Halo Mega Bloks 97204 Blue Falcon set would not be released in the United States at all: “It’s a Tesco exclusive, as far as I know, so won’t be seen by those of us on this side of the pond. I believe it’s already in stores at Tesco, but if it’s not it will be pre-Christmas.” Tim may have meant that the set was an Argos exclusive, but either store is only located in Europe.

Halo Mega Bloks Blue Falcon 97204 Figures Blue Kat and Jorge Noble SquadSo there you have it, Halo fans! It appears that if you’re living outside of Europe, you can stop checking in at your local stores to see of the Halo Mega Bloks Falcon Blue Series set has arrived–because it hasn’t, and it’s not going to. If you want this set, you’ll have to import it.

Are you disappointed by this news, Halo Mega Bloks collectors, or are you okay with not having the chance to pick up this recolored UNSC Falcon Halo Mega Bloks set?


Halo Mega Bloks Blue Series Falcon Not Sold in the United States — 30 Comments

  1. This is why I hate when they make these sets exclusive to one area or store, I mean they’re losing money because of the limited availability of these sets and fans and collecters have to go far out of their way just to get the sets.

    • Mega Brands is probably hoping that people here in the US will buy the flood hunter’s version of the falcon if they want one. That would be cheaper than having a blue falcon shipped from Europe. And if you don’t have an original falcon, paying Toy R Us’ $55.00 might not be that bad. I like that repaint better anyway.

  2. We have put up with this for years in the UK,just think of all those comic-con exclusives we have missed out on.And now when we get an exclusive all you Americans start moaning and crying about it 🙂

  3. Well. That’s disappointing. It’s much cooler than the repacked Warthog that U.K. got last year. OH well. I probably wouldn’t have had room for it. And we do have the Ultimate Collector’s Pack with 20 figs, I suppose. Still… 🙁

    • What the heck!?!? I saw it in my local target 2 days ago and i live in california! Im going to grab it!

      • Wait…what?!? How did you find it there?!?! Where was it?!?!

        I NEED that Falcon if I can get my hands on it. You’re sure it was the blue one?

        • it was I have it now! im so glad I grabbed it, there is still 3 more left on the shelf at target! Im in Sacramento California.

  4. Actually I’m not American, I’m Canadian, and as far as the exclusives go I’m not saying you shouldn’t get them. I don’t like the idea of exclusives period except for events like comic-con, because alot of the exclusive sets are in my opinion, some of the better ones and yet they are way over in Europe or some little known store who’m i didn’t even know sold Mega Bloks.

  5. Come on! Mega bloks started in Canada, United States are our neirbourghs, and we wont have this falcon? I am vers dissapointed.

  6. to be honest im happy we finally get an exclusive here in the uk, every exclusive that mega bloks releases always goes to target, i mean it was heaven when i went to florida last year and managed to get some. but i dont know why everyone is complaining over one set when they get most of them anyway

  7. Exactly, that’s what I was thinking, I mean they get more money and we the fans get access to all the sets. It’s a win win.

  8. That was my bad when I first responded via social media. It is indeed an ARGOS exclusive, not Tesco. But I can confirm that it will not be available in North America this year. The US gets about 5x as many exclusives as other countries, so keep your head up, America! 😉
    – Tim

  9. The have just got more stock in at Amazon
    Go quick before they are all gone My awesome wife just got me one yeaah