CODE NUMBER LIST: Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 Mystery Packs Blind Bags

Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 96978 was only announced one month ago, so all of us Halo collectors assumed that we were at least several months away from seeing the figures in stores. The Halo Mega Bloks Series 8 blind bags have barely begun to hit stores in many areas, but the unthinkable has now transpired. The Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 mystery packs of Halo figures have now been released and found in stores–and we’ve got the Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 codes to help you pull exactly the figures that you’re searching for!

Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 Spartan CIO vs Brute Stalker Gravity Hammers

I was shocked when MEGA Brands didn’t have the Mega Bloks Halo Series 9 figures on display at the New York Toy Fair 2014 at all last month, as I assumed that Series 9 was part of the Halo Mega Bloks Summer 2014 wave.

Turns out I was completely wrong–the wave wasn’t on display, as it’s being released this spring! Instead, we’ll be getting Halo Mega Bloks “Series 10”–the Alpha Series–as part of the Summer 2014 Halo Mega Bloks collection. And the Halo Mega Bloks Alpha Series will be the first to feature the new super-poseable Spartan bodies.

Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 Security Spartan and Promethean Crawler FiguresIn the meantime, however, the Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 blind bag mystery packs have already been sighted in the United Kingdom (UK), and it’s now only a matter of time until they appear in the United States and other countries as well! As usual, we expect the code numbers on the back of the blind bags to be the same for the first shipments of the series across the world.

The Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 codes are as follows:

A04113MM – Spartan Recon (Green) with Shotgun
A05113MM – UNSC Flame Marine (Orange) with Flamethrower
A06113MM – Spartan CIO (Red) with Gravity Hammer
A07113MM – Spartan Security (Gold/Yellow) with Shotgun
A08113MM – Skirmisher (Partially Active Camo) with Needler
A11113MM – Grunt Storm (Brown) with Needler
A12113MM – Promethean Crawler
A13113MM – Purple Brute Stalker with Gravity Hammer

2014 Halo Mega Bloks Green Recon Spartan and Active Camo Skirmisher FiguresTypically, as production goes on more and more different codes are created for each series and show up at retail. We want our Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 code number list to be as comprehensive as possible, so be sure to leave a reply if you purchase a Mega Bloks Halo Series 9 figure blind bag with a code number not on this list.

Mega Bloks Halo Series 9 Flame Marine and Storm Grunt Action FiguresGood luck hunting, Halo Mega Bloks collectors! And huge thanks to Aaron Pepper photography, for sending is the first in-hand photos of these Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 Mystery Packs to post!


CODE NUMBER LIST: Halo Mega Bloks Series 9 Mystery Packs Blind Bags — 46 Comments

  1. no worries HTN, when i manage to get any of the gummys will post the codes as well 🙂

    Aaron Pepper Photography

  2. Damn, and I just got the Series 8 Ultra Rare.
    Oh well. More new figures.
    Also, would you be so kind as to label the commons, rares, and the Ultra Rare please?

  3. No matter what you get it’s a win. Good series can’t wait to get some good figures out of this. Mostly wanting the CIO, Prometheans, and Security.

  4. Updated CODES!
    A15 is a Yellow Security Spartan with a Semi AC yellow Grunt
    A14 is Flame marine with Semi AC Blue Crawler
    A18 is Brute Stalker with SEMI AC H4 Red Scout

    Luck with the hunt, im frakin’ out because here on Mexico the Skirmishers are desappearing of the shelves faster than any figure i’ve ever chased. Sorry if bad english.

  5. im impressed so far with 2014’s wave but I wonder does megabloks purposely put the codes on so we buy them more? im sure they aren’t stupid and just don’t notice the codes but im fine with it hope this series continues…..

    • they put the codes on so it’s not all ultra rares ect. it makes them harder to find when organised

  6. Uh anyone know i cant find the Codes on the bag can you show me an image
    On the cornee or sometjing

  7. they are out in Chicago, got the brute and red cio w/ hammers the crawler and the flamethrower in one shot at a tru.

    • I found them in michigan first one got brute stalker with AC red scout btw the number code is A18113MM

  8. GOOD NEWS: thnx to this page i got the red transparent scout! THE BAD NEWS: when i got it, it’s torso was missing it’s leg connectors!!! D: 🙁

  9. Alternate 44 codes:

    A01044MM – Green Spartan Recon
    A02044MM – Orange Flame Marine
    A03044MM – Red Spartan CIO
    A04044MM – Yellow Spartan Security
    A07044MM – Clear AC Skirmisher
    A08044MM – Copper Imperial Grunt
    A09044MM – Promethean Alpha Crawler
    A10044MM – Purple Brute Stalker
    A11044MM – Blue AC Promethean Alpha Crawler with Orange Flame Marine

      • I have not seen them at Wal-Mart yet. I have only found them at Target and Toys ‘R’ Us.

    • Thanks for the 44 codes. I just came back from Target where I picked up an AC Skirmisher, a couple of Imperial Grunts, and a couple of Alpha Crawlers.

    • Just picked this up from Target.

      A14044MM – Brute Stalker w/ Gravity Hammer AND Clear Red Scout Spartan w/

  10. Well, I just picked up a couple figs today. I got the Yellow Security Spartan w/ Yellow AC Storm Grunt and the Blue Promethean Alpha Crawler.

    Sadly, my Alpha Crawler is missing his front-left leg. I’ll be calling Mega on Monday about getting it replaced. They replaced Grey UNSC Marine from series 7 which came w/ 2 right legs and no left leg, and they went through their inventory to make sure I got the correct one, because it was taped shut and labeled “Grey” when I received it in the mail.

  11. You look next to the photo of characters on the back and reflect it in the light and look at A(example)01 the FIRST 2 digits

    • I have sets of series 9 if you want (minus the Ultra Rare) and Series 8 (includes chase) and Series Alpha (common,rare,ultra rare x both variants). If interested my email is [email protected]

  12. Just went to target in Ohio . But sadly there is good news and bad news
    good:i got a flame marine,cio and brute stalker
    the bad news: I got alot of flame marines like 3
    flame marines I mean I like them but there were
    Way too many

  13. I can’t seem to find the code on the bags. I opened and got the Green Recon Spartan (the one I wanted) but I don’t know where the code is on the bag. I want the Red CIO Spartan to so that’s why I’m leaving the comment. Thx

    • I actually had a bag that had no code imprinted, it happens. They are typically on the right edge on back. you have to have good eyesight since there is no color just embossed number. The alpha packs they stamped the codes in white on blue background so those are easier to see

  14. I go the codes that say A08 for skirmishes and I got the brown grunt… >:( I was not happy with that, if it’s true that they change the codes around then ok it’s not your fault, but if all cods are the same then it’s in your part Halotoynewsnews

    • If u look at above posts it looks like it changed…if it ends in 113…then 08 is the Skirmisher. But if the code ends in 044…then 08 is stupid copper grunt. Yeah. I don’t really like grunts. 🙁

  15. Just got the Flame Marine with AC Blue Crawler, but I got 2 right legs for my flame marine. Who or how do I go aout getting a correct leg?

    • Sorry double post. Thought didn’t post as protonetron so changed my name to shinzo to make it work but looks like both worked.

  16. Just got flame marine and a blue crawler but my flame marine had 2 right legs. Sucks. Who do I email to get the replacement?

    • Found at a Target. Was code A14133. The only one. Glad to get the AC but not the Flame Marine as was my first Flame and incomplete. I put his 2 right legs on so he can at least stand but just not right. Was also 1st AC mystery of this series I could find.

  17. Why is there no A05044 code? Hmmm…..Curious…
    Just picked up at Target what looks to be an A05044…but the A is very faint and I can’t really make out the 0 or if it is a 1 before the 5. Stay tuned. I will open it when I get home with my scissors. Feeling around it for sure is one of those weird bulbous grunts but there is something else in it. I feel 2 stands….hope it’s an AC mystery fig. Otherwise could be random extra pieces. This happened to me once 2 series back where the bag felt so big but it was a mispack…I got 2 figures well sorta…actually same figure but 2 torsos…but incomplete on both to complete even 1 of them. I have yet to try to get replacements. Think I got the figure later so didnt do anything.

    • OK. Opened. Had a base that said 15044. So wasn’t 05044. Got Yellow Security Spartan and AC Yellow Grunt Storm. YAY! Another chase. Only need 1 more Chase I think. Noticed the head and torso of AC Grunt is not the same as the regular Grunt Storm. Slightly different molds. Head is more pointed like a shark and hump is narrower and points upward more. Kinda cool…

  18. I have an extra, unopened, chase blue Promethean Crawler with yellow Security Spartan. If anyone needs it, let me know or make me an offer.

  19. I’m looking for some figures, if you have some or know someone who could help me, it would be appreciated (i’m interested by figures opened and sealed)
    A11113MM – Grunt Storm (Brown) with Needler
    A08113MM – Skirmisher (Partially Active Camo) with Needler
    A15113MM – Yellow Security Spartan with a Semi Active Camo yellow Grunt
    A18113MM – Brute Stalker with Semi Active Camo H4 Red Scout

  20. Hello all!!! Would anyone be interested in trading a yellow AC grunt for a series 7 green AC chief or series 8 smokey zealot??? I have other AC figs, just too many to list
    [email protected]

    • Hello, I could be interested, I try to completed some series (sealed or opened) I have a lot off figures and sets in double or more for exchange if you’re interested email me [email protected]