SDCC 2013 Halo Mega Bloks Exclusive Steel Mark VI Spartan Figure!

Last year as San Diego Comic Con, there really wasn’t anything especially cool or exclusive at the MEGA Brands booth for Halo Mega Bloks fans. Luckily, MEGA Brands is making up for it this year with a super desirable Halo Mega Bloks 2013 Exclusive figure available at this year’s conventions, starting with SDCC 2013: the 99693 Halo Mega Bloks Steel Mark VI Spartan figure with Green Visor!

Mega Bloks Halo SDCC 2013 Steel Spartan Mark VI Green Visor FigureIt’s not exactly a secret that MEGA Brands has an exclusive Mega Bloks Halo 2013 exclusive figure at San Diego Comic Con 2013 and the other conventions they’re traveling to this year–MEGA Brands has been pretty straight-forward about it. In fact, they were nice enough to post this teaser photo with #MegaBloksSDCC attached, letting us know exactly when and where this special Halo Mega Bloks 99693 Mark VI Spartan (Steel) figure was going to be available! And just as promised, MEGA Brands is giving away this coveted figure absolutely free at San Diego Comic Con throughout the event!

Halo Mega Bloks Steel Mark VI Spartan Exclusive Figure SDCC 2013 This is the first Halo Mega Bloks Spartan figure to ever come with a green visor–in fact, it’s the first Halo Spartan action figure from any company ever to come with a green visor!

Though both McFarlane Toys and Square-Enix Play Arts Kai have had their own small armies of Spartans released, MEGA Brands is the first (and so far only) company to ever produce a Halo 4 Spartan figure with a cool green visor. Thanks, MEGA!

SDCC 2013 Exclusive Halo Mega Bloks Steel Mark VI Figure with Green VisorIf you’re not able to attend San Diego Comic-Con 2013 this weekend, all hope is not lost for getting this exclusive Halo Mega Bloks Steel Mark VI Spartan Green Visor figure! This figure is a traveling exclusive for conventions MEGA Brands is attending this summer, so it will also be available at New York Comic Con 2013 in October, as well as other cons MEGA Brands is at this summer/fall.

And if you’re not attending any cons this year, plenty of the exclusive Steel Spartan Mark VI with green visor are already available on ebay. It’ll probably cost you $25-$30 to buy it on the aftermarket, but that’s still way less than the cost of traveling to and attending a convention.


SDCC 2013 Halo Mega Bloks Exclusive Steel Mark VI Spartan Figure! — 7 Comments

  1. Dude…I see you posting all these cool, new Halo sets, but I’ve yet to see or even hear of when we are going to see them. Any definitive release dates? Or just more speculations?

  2. This is a cool figure! I think the green looks good with the steel, and the SAW is never a bad thing.

    • Yup. I didn’t know it was the only fig with a green visor, though. Cool! I may not be getting one, though.

  3. this sucks ive never gone to a con in my life. they always have exclusives and awesome things there! Too bad hopefully I can find it on ebay for a reasonable price. I got the gold arbiter for a good deal on ebay for $13.00. Hopefully I can get this one. By the way when are you going to do the reap-x flying thing. That’s a worthy set as it looks.

  4. … MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!!! A GREEN VISOR HAS APPEARED!! Now all we need is a green visored Mark V[b]… HUNTER 2-1 OUT!

  5. For 4 dollars and 50 cents, I am now the proud owner of one!…Well, I will be, when it comes in the mail.